Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Hey guy, it's Ian, and I have some games for you guys to play once you stop laboring for... some apparent reason...(Drum roll in background) it's Destiny!!!
This is a game, a game where you are a character, no, legend that you make, and you go out on this awesome quest to reclaim earth, Mars, The Moon and Venus, that have been taken away from us by the fallen. Bungie (Halo, Call of Duty) wants it to be T... so just hold on. This is a Action, Adventure, Rp and Fps game, so it's going to be good. If you are interested, check out this link...
Oh, and I want to tell you. Don't stop growing this Blog. I can't go around Telling 1,000,000,000 people about my blog. I'm depending on you guys. So do me a favor, don't stop making this blog grow. Become an X.I.P, tell your friends about it, Tweet about it. Just try to grow this blog.
And also, I'm going to save those posts about the amount of people we have, for when it's a true mile stone. I can't do it every 100 views, or it's not special. So i'm going to save it for the really important things, like 500 views, or 1,000, or 10,000 if we make it (Let's try to make it there) Just because i don't post about it, don't stop.

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