Thursday, March 13, 2014

Scribblenauts saved our lives! But, sadly, we lost our hair. But do Cyri even have Hair...

So, this is basically the part where I break the fourth wall, because I, unlike Dibs and Messi Know I'm in a blog post, and there's a kid at the computer typing this, and most likely, this is going to have a happy ending. So what's the real point. I can literally get Dibik and myself killed, and then the author is going to save us. What are you doing reading this. Go home!

But then they're are the one who say "Screw that, I came here for a story, I'm gonna get story". I like those people. Alot. 

"So, basically, we escape and we are attacked by robot Ducks?"
"And that thing"
"Oh, so you also hired a Robo Slendie. Smart I'm gonna wet my pants now, if you don't mind."
"It's eyes peer through my soul, as a dark abyss-"
"Oh, shut up. No one likes poetry."
"That's off-"
"No, fo once I gree with Messi."
"Really, dibik, really."
"Well, I doo."
"You know what I meant"
"ANYWAY, I digress. Sorry Reader, I'm going to kill them now."
"With what, you're overly annoying voice?"
"No with this."
Oh, he has scribblenauts. Dang nabbit, you never can win can you?
"Dibik, type in the word."
"Wat word?  Da wor-"
"No! No keep this PG. No mention of that...thing. Just pass it to me"
"You know you guys are saying this in front of the guy who's going to kill you, right?"
"WE KNOW!!!"
"Jez, calm down Cyrix. Dibik's rage quit's aren't as bad."
" M O L O T O V C O, that's the way you spell it don't you"
"No, dude, less violent. And Dibik don't want to be set on fire..."
" OK, fine. O . D . I . -"
"No, No Call of Duty Rip offs."
"Fine, N U K -"
"Just give it to me"
"P I N K  F L U F F Y  U N I C O R N  W I T H  A  M U S T A C H E and a huge law giver"
Ok, heres where I take an intermission so you guys can find out what a law giver is. Go ahead, I won't stop you.
To be continued...Really, I'm boerd. Btw, that means I'm exicted. See, Grammar Dictator, Booyaah

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