Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Fianle, (Once Dibik learns to spell finale correctly)

"Why are you doing this?"
"Wat do you want? Power? Money? Cyrix's hand in Marriage?"
"Nope, Nope, and maybe-"
"Hey, I am not cool with that at all!"
"I just want to annoy you guys to death, then take over the XMD and Rename my dog Messi Trump."
"Then you're already half way there."
"K, then I'll just be here, eating Buck Batoskies hair..."
"Hey, Dibs, take my phone. I know we're tied up, but you'll have to James Bond it. Use scribblenauts, It'll help us."
"But I don't spell."
"Just do it!"
"Wat should I type?"
"A knife"
" N I F F E?"
"No, with a K"
"No, K N I F E"
"Oh...Dat makes no scence"
"It's the X Empire, what do you expect."
"Oh, here da knife is."
"Pass it."
"Yea, Dibik is free. Except...dat."
"Unit Activated"
"Sorry, I lied, I wasn't eating Buck's hair"
To be cotinud...Dibik feels he didn't spell that right...

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